Getting from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Castlefield

Getting from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Castlefield

Getting from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Castlefield is easy – when you know how, of course. The good thing is that you’re spoilt for choice, though for some that can be exactly the problem. But that’s where we come in. We’ve listed the quickest, cheapest and easiest ways.

The quickest way:

If you’re in a hurry, you can start by thanking your lucky stars that you’re already in a train station. The quickest way is to board a train for the next station along. Just five minutes away is Deansgate, which will drop you off no more than one minute away from Castlefield on foot. It doesn’t get much closer than that. In fact, the tram alights from the same destination, yet the stop is called Deansgate-Castlefield.
5-minute journey
Fare: £1 - £3

The easiest way:

If you’re looking for a stress-free, bags-in-the-boot kind of journey, taxis are in abundance around the station. The fare is inevitably higher than public transport but still comes in under a tenner and is worth it if you’re new to the city and just want to be taken right to your door. Plus, if you’re travelling with lots of luggage, it’s a fairly safe option. 
9-minute journey
Fare: £6 - £8

The cheapest way:

It doesn’t get much cheaper than no cost at all, which is exactly what you’ll accrue if you choose to go by foot. At 25 minutes, the journey is no longer than the time it would take to go for a 5k run, and just a fraction of the distance at almost exactly 1 mile. Along your way you’ll pass the famous Alan Turing Memorial as well as the prestigious Palace Theatre Manchester, so it’s a good scenic choice if you want to get acquainted with the area.
23-minute journey
Fare: £0

A happy medium:

If you need to pop into the City Centre for an errand but don’t want to walk the full 23 minutes from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Castlefield, there are a few buses that can take you the latter half of the way. Once you’ve walked the 8 minutes into town, the bus will take 4 minutes to reach your destination. The number 3, 33 or 25 bus each come 3 times per hour, so a spot of shopping won’t be a problem.
12-minute journey 
Fare: £2 - £4 

A novel way:

Finally, Manchester sits alongside Birmingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Nottingham as home to one of the few remaining thriving tram systems still in use in the UK today. As such, doesn’t it seem a shame not to christen your visit with a ride? Like the train, it can take you the whole way from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Castlefield – or as the tram line refers to them, Piccadilly and Deansgate-Castlefield. The price is fairly similar too, though it’ll take a few minutes longer owing to its slower speed to assure pedestrian safety.
9-minute journey
Fare: £2 - £3


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